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About the website usability

Duo to the policies of Google and some of our sponsors, some photo galleries cannot be accessed directly from zero level of our website and are only visible to registered visitors. Don’t worry, registration is fast and free. Just click here…

  • The newsletter subscription process is automatic, when you register.
  • But like any newsletter, you can unsubscribe when you want.
  • Our periodicity is biweekly, monthly, or when we publish a special report.
  • In low resolution the pictures are 600 vertical pixels.
  • In high resolution the pictures are 1080 vertical pixels and is a completely different visual experience.
  • On a desktop monitor, the pictures fill a Full HD screen (except for some old pictures).
  • On mobile devices, it allows for a zoom with incredible detail.
  • Here’s a high resolution gallery for you to compare
  • Basically because it costs money.
  • In a first phase, we will load the Custom Forever with around 55,000 high resolution pictures, but our project will go far beyond that.
  • Technically, the system works in a cloud streaming, similar to the Netflix service. The costs of hosting and streaming content are high when it comes to high resolution. About 4x more expensive than standard. So, like Netflix, we have to charge for this service. It’s an optional for a fair and affordable cost.
  • For obvious reasons, no.
  • If the system detects abusive use of an access, the account will be automatically blocked.

Duo to the policies of Google and some of our sponsors, some photo galleries cannot be accessed directly from zero level of our website and are only visible to registered visitors. Don’t worry, registration is fast and free. Just click here…

  • The newsletter subscription process is automatic, when you register.
  • But like any newsletter, you can unsubscribe when you want.
  • Our periodicity is biweekly, monthly, or when we publish a special report.

Interested in reporting your event or your custom bike?

Absolutely. There is only one limitation. Our quality standard is what you can see below on this tabs and we will only accept lower quality pictures if they are of historical interest.

  • Please first send us some sample pictures by email and the total amount you intend to publish.
  • A text in English is important and you can send a second text in another language.
  • Due to some special criteria, some reports may be accessed and viewed just in the country where they originated.

Absolutely. You are welcome. The limitation is the photoshoot quality and the customisation quality. Our standard is what you can see below on this tabs and we will only accept lower quality pictures if they are of historical interest.

  • Please first send us some sample pictures by email and the total amount you intend to publish.
  • A text in English is important, with all the details about the project. You can send a second text in another language.
  • Of course. It’s what we’ve been doing for years. for motorcycle clubs, event managers and lots of European magazines.
  • These are some examples of magazines we work with or have worked:

paper magazines

Here you can see some examples of our report and our standard:

Interested in sponsoring or advertising something?

More doubts? just contact us…